Sand Therapy

In Marin County, California & online for California Residents

 Sand therapy is a sensory and grounding method that invites you to construct your story using miniature figures in a specialized sandtray.

The scene you create becomes a symbolic reflection of your life’s issues and provides a container to resolve conflicts, remove obstacles, and gain self-awareness.

Sandtray is a uniquely powerful method for all ages and has to be experienced to fully understand its benefits. All that is required is the courage to get out of your head, drop into your body, descend into the depths of your psyche, and be open to its mysteries. You and I are working together–me as the witness and you as your own therapist. I will guide you as you interpret the tray’s messages that unfold, connecting your inner and outer worlds.

Sand therapy allows you to:

  • Discover a pathway deeper into self discovery and expression

  • Integrate the right and left brain

  • Experience verbal and non verbal processing

  • Fully inhabit your body while "playing" in the tray

  • Access a deeper part of self and “go someplace else”

  • Be seen and witnessed and know your story is not just in your imagination

  • Track sensations happening in your body

  • Activate your senses, emotions, and creativity

  • Gain deep awareness of your inner world

  • Know that your needs and desires are not dependent only on words

  • Unlock what is stuck and express the unexpressed

  • Surprise yourself with new meaning and insights

  • Uncover and unearth core truths about yourself

  • Find balance between effort and ease

  • Explore the space between no more and not yet

Some types of therapy are about pulling things apart. Sandtray is about putting them together. 


Give yourself permission to play in the sandtray and allow the figures to engage your senses. Curious about this process?